Hi, my name is Venkatesh Kamath
I am a Software Developer.

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Hi, I am Venkatesh Kamath- a Software developer from Mangalore. A student at Canara Engineering College who's been a World Konkani Centre scholarship recipient.

I spend most of my time working on Web-Technologies and hackathons. Glad to share that I was runners up at SAP Semicolon 2.0 and Garuda Hacks-Indonesia.I believe everyday is a learning experience. I love exploring new technologies regularly. Drop a line to get in touch.

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Familiar With


Covid Tracker

This is a web application that tracks covid cases globally based on countries. Tha API used is disease.sh and there is a table that gets updated based on cases. We also have maps that gives a clear picture of the pandamic based on region.

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Waves Music Player

Waves Music Player is one of the most interactive and interestinng build that I have on the list. You can find good set of songs here in this site. You can find range of songs in the library. The API used is ChillHop😎.

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Facebook Clone

This is one of my first ReactJS project. This is fully functional web application which has material UI and Firebase. You can add posts and images. This project was mainly built to understand the fundamentals and also to clone some of the top sites/apps to understand its architecture.

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Pig Game

Pig is a simple dice game first described in print by John Scarne in 1945. Players take turns to roll a single die as many times as they wish, adding all roll results to a running total, but losing their gained score for the turn if they roll a 1. This game is completely built using JavaScript.

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The EmpireSpace

The EmpireSpaceBlog is a blog site built to write some interesting facts and article on space. The most interesting thing about this site is that it is completely built using HMTL, CSS and BootStrap. You can have a look😉.

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As I said, I spend most of my time on hackathons and Web-Technologies. I got an oportunity to participate in SAP SEMICOLON, a national level hackathon in 2019. My team qualified for the final round of the hackathon. This was a wonderful experience and we had a great time. We built an application that would connect an NGO with a user, where the user can distribute surplus food present at any event to the needy via an NGO. This application is in the development stage. I have shared my experience in an article.



MTA-Python Certification

This is one of the finest exams I have written. The learning experience involved is something massive. MTA stands for Microsoft Technical Associate. It is an entry-level credential that validates fundamental technology skills and knowledge among students and job-seekers who are pursuing a career in technology.


Artificial Intelligence

AI is one such area which everyone should focus on. This is a course taught by Andrew NG which will give you idea about AI.


Full Stack Web

This is my favourite region. I like web development a lot. If at any time I am given to choose a project, I will definitely go with web development.


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